Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mystery Dog

For the last three days, we have been observing but unsure what to do about the Mystery Dog.  Shawn saw a dog outside the front window and it went under the front porch.  We went out look at it and it was all the way under the far side of the porch, it was hard to get a good look.  We called for it but it didn't budge.  We put food and water out, but it didn't do anything.  
Paul was VERY concerned about this dog.  He had 1000 plans of everything we should do, from finding it's owner to trying to play football with it to bringing it inside to keeping it forever.  He has talked on and on about this dog.  He keeps asking me what the Bible says we should do, which is very sweet.  I told him all we can do at this point is give it food and water and see if it learns to trust us.  We're not going to go under the porch and drag it out.  I did see it outside last night and snapped a couple pictures from the window.  Joy and I went right outside to find it, and it had disappeared.  Cana seems neutral about it.  Neither disturbed nor excited.  I'm not sure what the result of all this will be.

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