Saturday, September 27, 2014

Orange Belt Test

 Form #2

 Look at the height on that kick!
 Form 3

 Long distance

 Another good kick

 Sparring (without gear)

 Hammer fist break, required for kids for orange belt

 Yeah!  On the first try!

 Don't make me take a picture, I want to go play with the kids!

 Kicking front stance

 Form 2

 One step sparring with Marion
 Shawn sparring with Chris

 Me sparring with Marion

 Self defense

 Shawn breaks on the first try...
 And I do too!!!!!!!  I was so nervous, especially since the boards were way harder than the ones from the tournament.  But we did it!!

Fire Under the Carport

We've been talking about maybe having a fire under the carport at Paul's birthday party.  Paul dug a little pit the other day and filled it with sticks, so we had a little fire last night.  It was nice.

 Filling it back in

Making Veggie Chili

The beginning of veggie chili...celebrating the veggies of our labors.  It was awesome to pull everything out of the freezer!

Zucchini Chocolate Chip Brownies

Marion hinted around that she wanted some zucchini brownies for her birthday, so I made them.  Boy oh boy, they were awesome!

 We had them for breakfast
And to celebrate Johnny Appleseed's birthday.  Which we found out because Paul celebrated it at school that day.