Tuesday, March 31, 2009

High Chair

Today we set up Paul's high chair. This made it easy for him to help me cook dinner.

Beautiful Day

We spent the beautiful afternoon outside. Paul fell asleep in the fresh air. Cana and I played fetch with sticks in the creek. Today is a special day...come tomorrow, April 1, I have to start worrying about poison ivy. So today was a celebration of our last day of freedom for Cana and I.

The Baptism

Paul and Tugs were having a serious conversation.

The Baptism

Thank you, Grandma, for the beautiful cake!

The Baptism

After his big moment, Paul slept through the rest of church.

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Baptism

The Baptism

What a wonderful day. It truly was a miracle; everything went as well as possible. Athough he was fussy before the service, Paul was quiet and serene through the whole baptism, from the preachers words to actually getting the water on his head to being taken around the sanctuary for everyone to see him while we all sang "Jesus Loves the Little Children." Shawn and I were so, so happy!

The luncheon was also very nice. It turned out to be a good day for hot soup, and everyone seemed to enjoy the soup, salad and cake. It was really nice to see and spend time with everyone.

Lots of people helped me get ready for the baptism, and a big THANK YOU to you all! Also, a big thanks to Fina, our surprise professional photographer!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Visit with Keli and Clay

We had a very nice visit with Keli and Clay on Saturday night. They came out and helped me get the fellowship hall ready for Paul's baptism luncheon. Paul had fun "Jumperooing" on Keli and Clay.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Chef Paul

Paul was helping his mom make soup for the baptism. We make a good team.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


We went to Grandma's yesterday. Paul and grandma got to spend some quality time reading (and eating) a book.
We went to Great-Grandma's last night. Paul had fun except he threw a fit when I got a shower. I'm hoping to leave him there tomorrow while I shop for the baptism. I hope it goes ok!
Paul has been a pretty happy kid lately. He is enjoying his toys, books and jumperoo. He likes to spend a lot of time laying and kicking. He tries to propel himself forward but doesn't get too far. We've been practicing sitting, but he flops over pretty quickly.
I am now keeping track of everything I eat to try to find a pattern and figure out exactly which things he is allergic to. Wheat seems ok, but I'm still working on it.

Monday, March 23, 2009


This is Cindy's new puppy Guiness. I can't wait until Cana, Paul and I get to meet him in person. He is a Jack Russel mix.

Rice Cereal Continued...

Paul continues to learn to eat his rice cereal. He is now 20 weeks old, and he is eating about a tablespoon of rice cereal oncea day mixed with apple/prune juice. He is getting this down pretty well, so soon we will move to 2 times a day.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Friday we went shopping to Penny's with Keli over her lunch. We were looking for a baptism outfit, but no luck.

Then a college student broke down at the end of our driveway en route from Ohio State to Baltimore. Shawn ended up driving him to the airport. We still have the car in our driveway.

Pastor Linda's Birthday Party

Today was a surprise 60th birthday party for Pastor Linda. She was very surprised. There were a TON of people there to celebrate with her. Paul had a great time. A man played some hymns on the piano and everyone sang along. Paul danced and loved it so much! He also enjoyed some quality time with Camille and Fernando, as well as great-grandma.


Thursday we went to the High School and got to visit lots of people, including the entire special ed department, Kim, Marsha and Gloria. It was very nice to see everyone!

Beautiful Day

Wednesday was an absolutely georgous day. We spent all day outside. Paul and I had fun in the field. We had a nice visit with Farmer George, and with Jim Mounts Sr. and Jr. Paul was in a great mood!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Visit with Grandma and Pap

Paul got to spend the day with his grandparents. He had lots of things to say to his grandma. He was so happy to see them. Pap and dad put in the floor in the living room. It looks very nice. Paul can't wait to crawl around on it.

Mom's Night Out

Last night I went out with Keli, Gina and Brook to Max and Erma's. It was very, very nice to spend the evening with them, catching up on our lives and laughing about old times.

Barbara watched Paul and hung out with Shawn, for which I am extremely grateful.

Paul is so-so with new people, he needs lots of time to be exposed to them and then he does a little better.

Friday, March 13, 2009

This Week

Wednesday Paul came to session meeting with me. He and Camille went to hang out with her grandma. I got a call that he was crying uncontrollably. He was hyperventilating-crying--it was really bad. I did some research and found that I should spend 30 minutes with him and any new person who is going to watch him. In good news, Thursday he stayed with great-grandma while I went shopping. They had a great time.
The rice cereal is not going much better. He only takes a tiny bit, maybe to baby spoonfuls total. Most of it is pushed right back out. But we keep trying.
We've been taking lots of nice walks at the park since it has been warmer.
It took through Monday for Paul to get over his shots. It was either the shots or the fish fry and some other wheat I ate, but he was miserable. I thought it was teething, but he hasn't been that miserable since, thank goodness.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Paul is teething. He was miserable yesterday, so bad that I called my mom and asked her if teething was supposed to be as bad as colic. Fortunatley Tylenol helps. Nothing else, like baby orajel or teething rings, seems to help much. I'll be glad when these teeth are in!

Visit from Keli and Clay

Paul enjoyed a nice visit with Keli and Clay this Sunday afternoon.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Paul's Doctor's Appointment

Paul had his 4 month check up. He weighs 14 lbs and is 24.5 inches long. He is healthy. He had to get 2 shots and was very, very unhappy about that! The doctor said his gums are swollen and she expects he'll have some teeth when he comes back for his 6 month appointment. Paul is to take a vitamin D supplement until he is eating one serving of grains per day.

Sleeping Porch

Here is the sleeping porch. It will be a walk in closet. It needs panelled.


Here is the bathroom. It is mostly drywalled and the shower is in.


Here is the hallway. It still needs drywalled. The bathroom is at the end of the hallway.

Middle Room

Here is the middle room. It will have 2 closets and a storage space above the stairs. It will probably be Shawn's office.

Paul's Room

It was a nice sunny day yesterday so I thought I'd take pictures of the progress upstairs. Here's Paul's room, the drywall is done. You can see the 2 closets, with the fireplace in the middle.