Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Thanksgiving 2

Fun at Aunt Marcy and Uncle Lee's.  Pie in the face was a big hit!

Thanksgiving 1

I was sad to not do the Turkey Trott this year.  It would have been my 20th consecutive one.  Although I was able to walk fairly well, I could not handle the pavement.  Now, I'm able to walk 3 miles at the trail (Sunday was my first time, with Brandi).  I can handle pavement better for shopping, but I still avoid it for running.  

Some Families Hug. We Clinch.

Daddy teaching Joy and Paul the Clinch

Pie Making with Grandma Ely

I was so, so thankful to have another successful year!

Photos for Pilgrim Costumes

Joy made a little Pilgrim hat with her picture on it at school.  It was just the right size for her baby owl so we had to take a picture so she could make one for her other baby owl.  Very creative!

First Snow
