Thursday, July 14, 2016

Knee High by the Fourth of July

I told Joy a while back the the corn should be knee high by the fourth of July.  She really remembered this and kept testing it every time we were in the garden.  So I couldn't wait until it was really 4th of July and we could take a picture.


I've been making Challah, brioche and other eggy breads like crazy to use up the eggs Jackie has kindly been giving me.

Playing Meadowcroft

Joy built a teepee for her baby owl.  Actually she built several versions.

 They kids were constructing huts under the pine trees.  Until Mommy discovered lots of poison ivy and stopped all the fun.

They also kept playing "rockshelter."


We had lots of fun at Meadowcroft the Sunday before the 4th.  

Atlatl throwing, always a favorite.

Tomahawk throwing, a challenge! 

I attempted to make a corn husk doll, that was a disaster.  Note to self, don't attempt that one again!!
We saw a snake outside the blacksmith shop.  
We saw Kay a Luke Snatchko and family.
I wasn't sure how the kids would do at the Rockshelter because of all the listening to the video and person talk.  They did great!
I went up and down all those steps on my butt.

Picnic at Grandma and Pappy's

We all really enjoyed our picnic at Grandma and Pappy's.  Thanks Aunt Aimee for such a yummy meal!

 While the boys played old video games, Kaitlyn, Joy and I walked the cemetery.  Kaitlyn and I searched for the oldest and newest stones (1910 and 2016), Joy caught a moth that she tried (yikes, it didn't make it!) to bring home, and we found a snack!

Playing Ice Cream with Dave

Dave watched the kids while we went to class.  They invented this game where they had to close their eyes and build ice cream cones by color and topping.  The kids thought it was hilarious and were having a ball when we got home.

Take a Picture of Me

Eli's Birthday at Flight

We all had lots of fun at Eli's trampoline birthday.  I jumped for a half hour.  I enjoyed playing dodgeball with the boys and Eli and I had a special time jumping and falling down.  I learned I can't jump.  It was really tough on my knees; I didn't feel it until the afternoon.

Making Mac and Cheese with Esther

They both loved licking the cream cheese wrapper (and fought over it.)

The Owls Visit Great Grandma

It was a beautiful day for sitting outside!


While Shawn was between jobs we took the opportunity to go some places.  We had a lot of fun at Kennywood.Joy liked the carousel the best.  I think we rode it 5 times.  

Very brave on the swings!

They both really enjoyed the sand again.

One turn-y ride was enough for Shawn!

Chicken and fries!
We waited an hour to go on the Raging Rapids.  The kids really loved it.  We all got soaked.
Then we went on the Pittsburgh Plunge.  We didn't have to wait at all.  Joy cried when we go to the bottom then wanted to do it again then cried again.  When I asked her why, she said, "Because it is so fun!"  She was quite tired by that time.  
Shawn and Paul rode the Jack Rabbit and the Racers and the Log Jammer.  Paul had some mixed feelings about all of them.


Joy had pink eye and had to do drops.  When we went to GE to get the prescription, she saw these owls.  She loved them and I told her if she took her drops for the whole week, she could get them.  She also got a piece of chocolate after each dose.  It was VERY rough getting the drops in her the first few days, then she became a champ.  She was REALLY excited to get her owls.

Lego Armies

At school Paul and his friends make Lego Armies.  Paul has been enjoying making them at home too.

Horseback Riding

The twins from karate invited me horseback riding at Rolling Hills.  I went and I was nervous but it was nice.  It confused my fitbit.  The kids and Shawn went to see the Dory movie.  I forgot to leave the carseats for Shawn so he had to improvise.

Picnic at the Kosols

Fun with Aidan and Emerson!
