Monday, November 29, 2010

A Fire

We decided yesterday was a good day to burn our burn pile. Paul was obsessed with throwing in sticks!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Putting up the Christmas Tree

We sure had a great time listening to Christmas music and putting up the Christmas tree today. Last year we only decorated half way down. This year we put non-fragile ornaments on the bottom. We'll see how it goes!

Thanksgiving Friday

We had lots of company yesterday. Cousins Pokie, Mike and Anne came over early in the day and had a nice dinner with us. We had a lovely visit, I wish I would have gotten some pictures!

Then Ginnie came over while Shawn, Gibb and Chris went to the movies. We had a good time talking about babies and playing with Paul. When the guys came back, Paul entertained them by walking around with a bucket on his head.

Thanksgiving Day

Paul had lots of fun with Nini on Thanksgiving. He loves to play with the kitties and had fun climbing in their tent after them.

Monday, November 22, 2010

In my Boots

It's kind of hard to tell what's going on in this picture, but Paul is wearing my boots. They come up to his waist!


Paul sure loves grandma's blueberries, especially on waffles. So does Mommy!


We were going to work on cleaning up our junk room a bit, but it turned into a jam session. Shawn was on guitar and Paul was playing the bongos with clothespin drum sticks.

Paul's Helmet

Boy does Paul like to wear his helmet around. He has trouble putting it on frontwards, though, I usually have to help him.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Getting the Hang of It

Paul is finally really getting the hang of his scoot bike. He flies around the house and tries to fly around outside. The moles make that difficult for him.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Napping Nightmares

Thursday and Friday this week were very trying days. I'm not sure if it was because Paul had a cold, or because he was having difficulty adjusting to the time change, but Paul would not take naps these days. This was despite the fact that he was so crabby that he was throwing delirious fits and was clumsy and falling down. He finally took a nap at 4 on Thursday and not till 5 on Friday. Shawn and I had to cancel our date night Thursday. On Friday, I was trying to wake him up at 6:00, and in the picture, you can see how successful I was at waking him up. It took me a half hour to rouse him. Fortunately, he wasn't up too awfully late either night. I am so grateful for good naps this weekend!!!

In the other picture, he was playing guitar and singing with Shawn when I got out of the shower Friday night.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Chocolate Custard!

We have been reading "The Poky Little Puppy" daily lately, and that book talks about chocolate custard. We decided to get all the ingredients and make it this morning. We had lots of fun licking out the pan with our spatulas. The finished product was delicious!!! Here is the link to the recipe:

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Electrical Tower

On this beautiful day today we took a long hike. Since he can see two electrical towers outside Grandma's window, he has been very interested in them. Also, he is very interested in static electricity, so that makes the towers all the more interesting. We walked up to the tower above the upper barn today. It was quite a long hike, and we had to go back to the tower twice. He had to go to the driveway by the upper barn to get some rocks to take back to the tower to throw at it. It was a good activity for such a nice day.

While we took a break for our snacks, Paul had fun reenacting a story grandma told him last night. She told him how when Great-Grandpap would get his tractor stuck in the mud, she'd have to come with another tractor, hook up the chains and pull him out. We picked many blades of grass to be our "chains" and hooked up two of his toy tractors. One would haul the other one out of the mud.

Amphibian Show

We went to an animal event at the Buffalo Township hall on Tuesday night. Paul was pretty patient during the power point and got to see pictures of all kinds of reptiles and amphibians from PA. Then he got to see some live turtles, frogs and snakes. He was really fascinated and excited about it. Lots of people were cracking up to see how excited he was.

New Pillows

We got some new pillows to go with our new bed. Paul and Shawn were trying them out.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Winterizing my Worms

It was time to bring my worms inside for the winter. I completely cloroxed the whole worm farm. I tried to sort out the worms the best I could, and I did separate enough worms to populate my bin for the winter, but I did lose very many outside to the freezing weather. I tried to use the method I saw in the book of making little piles and shining a bright light on them to make all the worms go to the bottom. For the second time, it didn't work. So, I just saved as many as I can. Hopefully we will have a relatively gnat free winter worm season!

New Kitchen Utensils from Keli

Paul really loves his new kitchen utensils from Keli, and has lots of fun playing with his new kitchen he got for his birthday.

Buying a New Bed

We went shopping at Levin on Sunday for a new mattress. We bought a new king mattress, it hasn't arrived yet. The store fortunately was pretty entertaining for Paul. There was a little firetruck thing for Paul to climb in and store. There were several model children's rooms with all kinds of fascinating things for him, including a model rocket ship and a life size astronaut!