Sammie continues to adjust well to her new home. She does fabulous with the kids and Cana. The only time her and Cana don't get along is when Cana gets so nuts when it's time to go running. She freaks Sammie out! But they have done fabulous running. I can't believe how well she did even her very first time.

It took me multiple phone calls to get Sammie's pills ordered. I finally got the prescription sent and the pills ordered and they finally arrived this afternoon, thank goodness! We were so upset knowing that she was starving without them and not being able to get them locally. But now we have them and hopefully she will feel full.
She has been very unsettled at night, although she did a little better last night. She was crated at her previous home and I think maybe she really didn't know what to do with herself at night. She was up whining every time she heard us move in the slightest. I hope that will continue to settle down.
Sammie loves to be where ever we are and I enjoy her company, especially in the garden.
She has adjusted very well to the cows.
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