I have been working very hard preparing for our week of not eating packaged and processed foods. This has involved coming up with the "rules" of what is acceptable and what is not, checking our favorite foods for chemicals, and researching ingredients I'm unsure of. Basically, if I can't pronounce it, it's out. Also, if I have it around the house or could easily get it, it's more than likely ok. If not, it's suspect.
Here are some examples: Before checking, I assumed Worcestershire sauce would be a no and chicken stock would be a yes. I was pleasantly surprised that although Worcestershire sauce has a lot of ingredients, all were acceptable. I was pretty confident in my "all natural" chicken stock that I use in everything. However, one of the ingredients is "chicken flavor;" I don't know what that means. However, I'm not willing to make homemade stock in addition to all the other things I have to make this week, so I'm keeping it.
I learned that packaged sliced cheese and shredded cheese contains a "natural anti-molding agent." I have not had time to research what this is, so all prepackaged cheeses are out (and some block cheeses I checked too.) I'm going to be doing a lot of slicing and shredding next week!
Every night I enjoy a bag of popcorn as my bedtime snack. It contains palm oil. I knew there was a debate about palm oil, but I couldn't remember what it was. I did some research and saw that it was because palm oil contains more saturated fat than other vegetable oils and that there are deforestation issues. Because this is about chemicals and not saturated fat or deforestation, I'm leaving it in. 
Last but not least for the day, I'm sad to report chocolate is out. It all contains soy lecithin, and while I know it is a naturally occurring substance. my research indicates is is often extracted using questionable chemicals and often comes from GMO soy. So, no chocolate for the week.
hey! I started reading your blog - fun! but wanted to tell you that you can make regular kernels of popcorn in the microwave in a brown bag, then top as you like :)that's what we do! experiment with amounts of kernels and time, but in the long run its way cheaper too. <>< Katie coyer