Things went well again today. We had stovetop oatmeal for breakfast with homemade nectarine-honey topping; we all gobbled it up.
The kids ate Terra chips, Tostitos and homemade granola bars on our walk. Shawn and I had grilled cheese for lunch. Paul had a roll up sandwich with homemade bread and just cheese (no lunch meat). He ate it and didn't complain a bit. Joy had a banana and a slice of cheese.
We went to the grocery store today. The kids could have their usual free slice of cheese from the deli, but not their usual cookie. I brought no-bakes from home and they ate them while we checked out, as usual. No one complained, and no one threw any fits about not being able to buy something that wasn't approved. I thought I'd look for some natural ice cream. I figured it wouldn't be too hard; it's frozen after all, you wouldn't think it would require preservatives. I scoured the entire ice cream section and found NO acceptable ice cream! I couldn't believe it. So, tomorrow I think we'll make our own ice cream. In preparation for that, I knew I'd better buy some heavy cream. Even the organic heavy cream has suspicious ingredients! I had to buy organic half and half; it had all normal-sounding ingredients.
I baked the banana bread today. It was fabulous! Paul wouldn't even try it, though. I think it's because when we pureed the bananas I just happened to mention that it was like making Joy baby food. Oh well, the rest of us enjoyed it. Instead, Paul had the candy coated nuts from Giant Eagle that he loves so much. And I love that 2 of the 4 or 5 varieties have only acceptable ingredients.
I made some mac and cheese this afternoon with 4 different kinds of shredded cheese and whole wheat elbow noodles (the only kind I could find that wasn't enriched.) It was delicious, and Joy ate a good bit of it. For dinner, we had corn on the cob, watermelon, apple slices and mac and cheese.
Joy helped me make a loaf of bread for tomorrow. By that I mean she smeared dough all over the counter.
Now the kids just polished off a bedtime snack of brick cheese cubes, peanuts and raisins.
Things I learned today:
1. Once again I was surprised how easy it was with the kids. They really didn't miss anything.
2. It continues to be a lot of work, but I'm getting stuff stored up so the rest of the week should be easier, hopefully.
3. I don't know if it is having any effect behavior wise on the kids. Paul was very well behaved but Joy whined and screamed and cried the usual amount I'd say. And then some.
4. After yesterday I learned to use butter much more sparingly. So I had a neutral relationship with butter today.
P.S. Last night for a bed time snack, we had 4 cheese whole wheat mac and cheese with pork and homemade bread and homemade wine on the side. Way better than crackers!!!!!!!
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