Before we left, I gave them Dora backpacks. They were to use them to collect stars they would earn on their travel scavenger hunt. It worked out pretty well, and they loved loading up their backpacks with various things.

I truly am a glutton for punishment. After completing days of packing on Wed., I decided it would be a good idea to make pastries out of my bread dough for breakfast in the car. They were good!
The long ride to NC went way more smoothly than expected, and we reached the hotel in the late afternoon. I know people were praying for our trip, and it helped! They pleasantly watched Dora the whole entire way!!! Just a couple pit/run-around stops. We arrived at the hotel with plenty of time for them to try out their Dora and Spiderman swimming sets in the pool. 

I like how Joy puts on her flippers. At least she tries to do it independently.

It rained that evening, forcing us to invent games to keep busy in the hotel. It went fine. It helped that we had glow in the dark beach balls from Grandma.
Friday morning we headed to Dave's parents to try on Shawn's outfit, it fit fine. Then we went to the Greensboro Science Center. It was surprisingly busy, but very nice. Lots to do for little kids.


2 man submarine

petting a snake

Playing in the pirate ship

A magnetic puzzle

In the bird's nest. She even talked me into getting in there too.
Little kids play area

House and grocery store were big hits
The last time we went to Dave's, we ate at the Hillbilly Hideaway, and it was awesome! Real southern food and you don't even have to wait. They wheel it right up to your table on a cart and everything is family style. Hoecakes and white gravy were TOO good!

The kids got very dirty but had a great time playing in the creek while the rehearsal went on. I hope no one ends up with poison ivy!!!

They found the sand in Sandy Ridge!

Crashed out! I dropped Shawn off at the rehearsal dinner and brought the kids back to the hotel to sleep.

We walked and played at Fourth of July park on Saturday morning. It was the first time the kids saw both a skate park and a dog park. The kids were fascinated by both, especially Paul.

Dave's dad gave us free passes to the Y, which included a kids water park. My phone was foggy so the pictures didn't come out very good. The kids loved it. We also went in the indoor pool some to get out of the sun, and we played on the playground. I entertained the kids while Shawn went to dinner with Dave and Will. Then I successfully drove to Dave's parents.

Jolly Rancher push up pops!

Impatiently waiting for the shuttle down to the creek. Paul's little friend (Dave's cousin's kid) was already down there and he wanted to join his friend!

The gorgeous setup.

Dave's sister-in-law, Jess is in the picture. His sister, Kara is in the next picture. I was thrilled to finally meet both of them, and they were really great ladies.

Paul wanted to take this picture of his dad.

Paul playing devices with his new friends. Usually it pains me to see kids playing electronics when there is an awesome playing field surrounding them, but I was so exhausted from entertaining kids that I did not care a bit.

Such good pictures of such a handsome guy and pretty little girl!

The guys

Joy and Dave's Dance

The kids and Paul's new friend dancing with Dave and Amanda

Dave and his mom-It was really great to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Boyer again!

Joy getting tired and crazy. But she did last until after 10!!!

The happy couple

We are so, so pleased to have been a part of Dave's very special day!!!

Looking exactly alike asleep in the hotel

Breakfast in the hotel, trying to keep the kids out of the room so Shawn could sleep

The ride home was slightly whinier and more difficult than the way there, but still not bad at all. I can't believe we made it. I can stop clenching my teeth at night now!!! God really blessed us beyond expectation with this wonderful family trip!
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