I planned on having blueberry muffins with honey butter for breakfast. Of course,neither kid wanted them, even Paul who loves blueberry muffins! (I did enjoy them myself.) I had the meat and veggies cooked for "chicken" noodle soup, and that is what they decided they wanted. I had to boil the noodles, chop up the meat and heat the meat and vegetables through. I was able to use the homemade stock from making the roast, so I was glad about that. This process took awhile, and they were hungry while they waited. They ate bananas, dry noodles, frozen corn and frozen mangoes. These kids do love frozen fruits and veggies. They ate their soup up when it was ready, so breakfast was a success!
I needed a snack for church, so I took multigrain Tostitos chips. Good bless those Tostitos people for making a truly natural product. I had the Children's Sermon today, so we talked about our project. I read 1 Corinthians
6:19-20, which says
"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of
the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from
God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price.
Therefore honor God with your bodies." I talked about how we were trying to put the best fuel possible into these awesome bodies that God has given us.
For lunch, Shawn, Paul and I enjoyed grilled cheese with our homemade bread and Joy had "gold doubloons" made of buttered bread cut with circle cookie cutters and some cheese and nuts.
We had a nectarine for an afternoon snack.
For dinner we had pizza made with our homemade dough, homemade BBQ sauce, pork, pineapple and cheese. (I had tried and tried to find a chemical-free BBQ sauce but failed.) I was very surprised that the kids did a good job eating it. We all enjoyed no-bake cookies for dessert!
For bedtime snack, the kids had had cheese cubes and almonds.
I am very happily enjoying a glass of our homemade wine (without added sulfites, of course!) at the end of a long day! I'm also looking forward to some popcorn.
The kids were extremely well behaved today. The jury is still our whether it had anything to do with our diet or whether it was because they got very good night's sleeps the night before. They have been exceptionally cooperative with all the cooking.
As I tucked him into bed, I asked Paul if he missed the chemicals. He said no. We'll see what happens as the week progresses.
What I learned on day 1:
1. This is doable, but TONS of work!!! Not only have I done a ton of cooking, but so, so many dishes! I don't know how people managed to cook for their families in the days before packaged food. I guess that's why women didn't work back then.
2. It was way less of a hassle with the kids than I expected. Joy did try to break into the Hershey kisses a couple times (I need to hide those), but Paul didn't even ask for anything that was not chemical free.
3. I'm already sick of real butter on my bread. This is a surprise. I thought I'd enjoy it. I'm going to have to switch up to olive oil tomorrow.
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