Dairy Queen on the way to camp.

Joy, Olivia, Paul and J.J. hanging outside the A Frame the first night.

The Confidence Course - Joy climbing the climbing wall.

Monkey Bars

Paul on the Spider Web

Joy with our counselor Rudee on the balance beam.

Joy on the swing with our other counselor, Evan.

Swimming with Danny, our counselor from last year. Our girl counselor from last year was not there. The pool was freezing. After going in on Monday I did not want to get back in. However, morning dip after a run was a different story. It was totally awesome and I wish I could always have a morning dip after I run! There were not as many runners at camp this year as last year. I ran with Ellie the second day and by myself the other two days.

Dancing and hanging on Evan
Gaga ball! For 3 short days Gaga Ball surpassed Minecraft as Paul's favorite game. He was a little unsure about it at first, but then he loved it and couldn't wait to play.


Olivia always wanted to read to Joy.
Our cabin won the dinosaur for answering the science question on Tuesday. Joy was so, so excited!

The Bubble Slide! They had so much fun!


Brownies for dessert.

Paul loved talking Gaga Ball just like he loves talking Minecraft.

Joy in the log chapel.

By Tuesday night, Joy was a wreck. I had tried so, so hard to get her to nap during FOB but failed. She was a crying mess during the games. Then, Ellie pulled out the bubbles. That saved the day!! She loved them and made it through the rest of the evening.

Paul liked playing in the bubbles that were floating about the field.

Yeah, Paul was kind of tired too by Tuesday night!

Closing program.

Awards! Joy was thrilled to get the Bubble Monster Award. Paul got the Super Springer/Gaga Ball Player Award. I got the Life Time Camper Award. I guess I told LOTS of stories about when I was a little girl and I was a camper at Pine Springs. Our counselors this year were very awesome and we were really blessed to have them.
Showing Daddy how to play Gaga Ball after he arrived to pick us up.
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