Saturday, November 29, 2014

Our Live Christmas Tree

The Saga of the Live Tree
Last year our artificial tree gave out.  I thought this would be a great year to get a real one.  After all, the tree farm is right over the hill.  No one else wanted a real tree.  They all wanted an artificial tree.  But I was determined to get my way in this!  So, we went.
We picked the tree.
Shawn sawed it down.

We took it on a wagon ride back to the barn.

The kids enjoyed some hot chocolate while we talked with the tree farm owners, who knew Grandpa and Grandma Ely.  It was about this time I was thinking I might have changed everyone's mind.  Choosing a real tree was a lovely family outing for one and all.

That is, until we got it home.  The tree was so crazy, ridiculously crooked.  It went straight into the wall!  It was really, really bad.  I thought Shawn was just going to throw it outside.  The picture does not even show how truly awful it looked.  But, Shawn saved the day.  He cut off several inches from the bottom and drilled a crooked hole in it to counteract the extreme lean.

And now, amazingly, we have a beautiful tree that smells great.  I really like it and I'm very glad we got it.

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