Shawn's form. We all did Pyang Ahn Cho Dan.
Knife hand
A great smile for Shawn, and a smile for me when I saw Anthony there taking pictures.
My front kick break. I was quite confident that I'd have no problem breaking. It took me multiple tries for each board. I was very disappointed.
I sparred Marion first. It was a good fight. She won 5-3. I was just thrilled I got some points. I hated wearing my mouth guard. I thought it was hard to breathe and it made me feel like gagging.
Then I watched the other two girls fight. They were really tough, and the tall orange belt was fearsome. She kicked really hard and had very long legs. I was extremely relieved I was not going to have to fight her, she was supposed to fight Marion for first. But, somehow they screwed up and I had to fight her. I was terrified. I just couldn't figure out what to even try to do to get a point. I didn't want to get anywhere near her because I knew she was going to kick hard. When I did get one point I was disappointed because I didn't want to prolong the fight any longer than necessary. I kept hearing Master Ward behind me yelling to kick higher. I didn't care, I just wanted out of there. Marion was encouraging me which helped a bit. When I finally sat down, I started crying and didn't really stop for the next 6 hours. I think I'm still dehydrated from it. Master Ward told them that Marion should have been the one fighting for first and then they told me that I had to fight the other girl, the yellow belt. Master Ward took one look at my face when they said I had to spar again and somehow made it so that I didn't have to. I didn't want to fight for 3rd place, I just wanted to be done. I tried and tried to stop crying, but every time someone said a kind word to me, or any word to me, I'd start again. I was a real mess. Here was the only picture of me getting my trophy that you couldn't really tell I was crying.
I think I'm supposed to learn something from all this. After all, I shouldn't even have had to fight that girl, they just made a mistake. So obviously I'm supposed to learn something. I'm not sure what yet.
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