Thursday, July 30, 2015

Picnic on the Porch

Joy has been excited to put up the umbrella on her table and have a picnic.  She was eating cucumbers while Paul was playing Legos in the pool.

At the Library

We have had a summer routine of going to the library and then taking our books to Grandma Ely's and reading them. Joy likes this big frog at the library.

BB Gun Lessons

For some reason Paul got it in his head that he could shoot the bunnies in our garden with my BB gun.  I told them they could not unless they found someone willing to gut and skin the bunnies so that we might eat them.  They haven't found anyone willing to do so, but Paul has been enjoying his BB gun target shooting lessons.

Bible School 2015

This was a great year at VBS.  Paul and Joy both had a blast all week.  For the first summer in 7 years, I did not have to wear a child at all!!!!  Joy had a couple moments of crying and not wanting to be without me, but she recovered quickly each time.  Joy especially loved the dancing and motions that went with the songs.  

 True and False game we played one day.
 Piggy back rides with Jessie, Pastor Linda's granddaughter.

There were many much better pictures in Jane's slide show on Sunday.  Maybe I'll get around to getting some of them.


With fresh blueberries from my mom we made blueberry waffles and a blueberry pie. Mmm!

Max's 4th and Alex's 1st Birthday Party at Hanover Park

Joy pulled all the strings and that was it for the pinata.  I felt bad.

water play

J.J.'s 4th Birthday Party

J.J.'s party was at Mingo Park.  The kids played in the creek the whole time.  They loved it!

Happy Birthday!  J.J. had a baseball theme.

I was trying to get a picture of how Joy's shoes were dripping all over the floor.

Paul helping J.J.

Garden Veggie Biscuits

Mary Linn gave me the recipe for these on FB.  They are so awesome!  They will definitely become something I make all summer every summer!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Fair at Grandma's Place

The fair at Grandma Ely's was very nice.Joy loved petting the duck and kept asking again and again to pet it.  It turns out the duck lady was a Penn, a neighbor up the road.


Climbing on the tractors

 No more pictures, mom!
Cowboy and cowgirl

The kids FAVORITE part, the pies in the face.  You could throw them at the workers there.

Look how happy!

Fishing game.  They won tickets for all games.  They got tons of tickets.  Everything was free!

Grandma takes a turn!

Paul gets Joy in the face!

Grandma gets Paul in the face!

Mingo Park with Tyson and Amy

We had lots of fun playing at the playground and in the creek with Amy and Tyson on Thursday.  It was a gorgeous morning.   It was also very nice to get to meet her dad who was visiting from Maine.

We saw Cindy Queen and Carol Walker.  The kids loved Carol's beautiful dogs.