Paul and Joy were SO excited to begin their scavenger hunt. Paul woke us up at 7:00 on the dot. (We said not to wake us up till 7:00) He said it had been 6:00 for hours!
First presents in Daddy's shower, air craft carrier Legos and Dora Legos.
Next ones in Daddy's office, more Legos and Dora Play dough.
In Paul's room, Millennium Falcon carrying case and small Millennium Falcon.
Joy got her magnetic dress up toy.
In mommy and daddy's room, a G.I. Joe puzzle and costume jewelry.
Racing down the steps to get to the last present.
The Clone Wars DVDs!
Lots of puzzles!
Putting together the new Legos.
Trying on the new jewelry
Ariel puzzle completed!
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