Shawn had to repair several areas of paint in the kitchen. I knew I better keep Joy busy with some paint of her own. Still, she tried to water color the walls..jpg)
On Tuesday, it got down to -9 degrees, with wind chills in the -30s. Our hot water froze in the kitchen sink. Shawn had to cut open the floor on Wednesday to finally thaw it out. I had to do dishes in the island sink. This was how many dishes we had in less than 24 hours. It did not even include dinner!!!! I'm so happy to have my dishwasher back!!!
I like to have weekly themes for the Speer house. This week's theme is Not
Buying Groceries and using up what we have. So here are our BBQ venison nachos for dinner. Even Paul liked them, minus the BBQ sauce. And yes, we are eating on paper Easter plates. i did not want to do any more dishes!!
Pumpernickel, my newest bread trial. SO good!!! I can't wait to make spinach dip to go with it.
Today was a day of answered prayers. I had a mammogram last Friday. I have never had a clean mammogram before, and I was nervous. This was my first non-pregnant or nursing mammogram. The results today came back clear. Praise God!!!! Also, poor Shawn had been battling with those pipes for 2 days and was getting very frustrated. The kids and I sat down and prayed for the situation. Not even a half hour later I heard the water running, the pipe was thawed!!
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