I was very excited to return to Salt Fork since it was at least 20 years since I was there. My memories are very vague! When we arrived, we took a tour of the lodge. It was just as confusing as Oglebay! It took me the whole weekend to finally start getting oriented. Joy had fun dancing on the yoga mat in the fitness center while Shawn and Paul played table tennis.

They found a little nook to "spy" on the people below.
Grandpa's here! Look at my Doc McStuffins shirt, Grandpa.

Playing in the hotel room

We had a pizza picnic Friday night. The deer had no fear! They came right up to us and ate our pizza crusts.

Getting a chance to chat while the kids played
It was so nice that the playground was right outside our door.

Grandma kindly watched the kids while Shawn and I went for a run Saturday morning. It was a lovely morning and the lake was beautiful. It was a challenging run back up the hill from the lake to the lodge.

Then, Grandma, Paul, Joy and I walked back down to the lake. And I carried her up that big hill in the pouch. It wasn't bad, though, because we stopped a lot a long the way to have fun.

Joy closely observing the boat launch area

Throwing rocks by the boat launch area

Climbing on the giant rocks on the path down the hill

Digging at the sandbox at the playground. I was so glad I brought their sand toys. I made Paul's name in pebbles along the edge.
Shawn, Joy and I rode in a row boat. I didn't think Joy would actually want to do it, but she did great! She happily rode for over a half hour, then she was done. We had to talk about Dora most of the way. Paul rode the speed boat with Grandpa, Cindy and Anthony. He had a good time too. Then, we fed the fish and went fishing while Shawn, Cindy and Anthony did more speed boating.

Feeding the fish

Making our way to the fishing area
How convenient that we were able to fish right across from the marina while the others were boating.

So excited to fish with her pink fishing rod and pink bobber!

Don't fall in!

We finally got them in their matching outfits!

We had a fun and delicious dinner at the lodge

Arianna seemed to love her first time eating in the high chair in a restaurant. She loved playing with the silverware, the napkins and the menu.

Sharing dessert
Entertaining each other, playing peek-a-boo

The whole family...Happy 40th Anniversary Mom and Dad and Happy First Anniversary Cindy and Anthony!

The lodge campfire was very nice. They had fun making s'mores. Joy finally decided she liked them.

Waking up Sunday morning
Pool time! The kids played happily for a long time and we were happy Grandma joined us.

Ooh, a present from Grandma from the gift shop


We had the giant beach all to ourselves. It was awesome!!

They dug big holes

Filling up her treasure chest

"Watering the garden"

They decided it wasn't that cold, they'd play in the water after all. Good thing I brought a change of clothes for the way home!

They built a big long creek form their hole to the lake.
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