Monday, March 10, 2014

The Speer Family Goes Raw Day 1

I started our day with some frying and tons of baking.  Maybe not the way most people start a raw food diet, but we're doing raw plus homemade bread!  I had naan with "raw" raspberry jam for breakfast.  I decided next time I'll fry my naan in olive oil.  I wasn't thinking about ghee being an animal product, but it is.  I had a berry spinach smoothie after I went running.  

I had to get started on our veggie burgers early in the day, as they had to go in the dehydrator for 5 hours.  This is the first time I used our dehydrator since before Paul was born, I think.

We made almond milk last night.  It wasn't too difficult, although we decided that cheese cloth is the way to go.  It took forever trying to strain it though a strainer.  I made raw muesli.  It can keep for 3 months.  It was a surprisingly good snack with the almond milk.  I didn't think I'd like raw cereal, but it tastes fine.  Here is my favorite snack, wouldn't you know - garlic and herb dipping sauce for bread.  I could probably just eat sauce and bread all week, but that would really defeat the purpose of the raw diet!

For lunch, we had our not-tuna salad (made with soaked nuts, veggies and herbs) sandwiches with lettuce and tahini mayonnaise.   They were also good.  I made pitas to go with guacamole for another snack.
Dehydrated veggie burgers.  Strange, strange things.  

But, on a bun with lettuce, tomato and more tahini mayo, they were actually really great!  I made them the same size as the buns, but I didn't take into account that they'd shrink after dehydrating, so they were a good bit smaller than the buns.  

And for dessert, flourless chocolate cake with chocolate avocado cream.  I think I over mixed the cake, it had a good flavor but was gummy.  But the icing is so great.  I could just eat it like pudding.  
Day one is going just fine.  It's a lot of work, but I'm not hungry at all.  We've eaten a lot of delicious food.  I'm looking forward to tomorrow!


  1. Cheryl, are you planning on sharing any recipes? I would love to see some!

    1. Great idea. Almost all the recipes are from this book:
      Maybe I'll start posting a recipe each day.
