Friday, June 29, 2012

Round Bales!

I love my farm family!!!

Bible School 2012

Paul had an awesome time at Bible School.  He had so much fun, he passed out wherever we went in the afternoon, regardless of his declaring that he "did not need a nap!!" 
Even though it was in the middle of her nap time, Joy made it through with only a few minor meltdowns.  I set up the pack n play for  Joy in the church, but she didn't use it.  She did play the piano! 
All the kids were wonderful and overall it was a great week.  Paul did a great job dancing at on Sunday.

Garden Salad

I guess this is one way to get him to eat his greens.


I think Joy is just as into tractors as Paul was (and still is!) 

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Joy did great and had a ton of fun at her first Phish concert.  She rode around in the back pack for 1.5 hours while we walked around the parking lot.  Joy and Daddy had lots of fun!

Joy made many friends as she ran around the lawn.  She met a fun little girl with a bubble machine and some squishy balloons.  

Joy made it until a little after 10, then she got VERY tired and fussy.  She just wouldn't give up and go to sleep.  Daddy and Nini did their parts in comforting her, but it was all just too much.

I'm glad Nini dragged Anthony to his first Phish show!
Here is Joy when she finally got out of the backpack when we made it to the lawn.  She took off running and didn't stop for several hours!  I chased her down the lawn and carried her back up innumerable times.  After she got a little worn out, she would run about 10 steps, sit down for a few seconds, the get up and run 10 more steps, etc.  She loved it. (P.S., kudos to Dave for carrying the backpack with the pink princess sippy cups in the pockets!).

Tony Bongourni's Birthday Party

I had extremely detailed plans as far as napping schedule for Joy for the Phish concert.  Part of it involved wearing her out at Hanover Park for Tony's birthday party.  We arrived at the park 1 hour and 15 min before the party started, so we were only at the party for a little while.  The wearing out plan did work, and she took a very good nap.

Visit with Dave

We were very happy to have Dave visit for the Phish show.  Paul was happy to have someone build Lincoln Logs with him.  We are glad Dave is coming back in July with Amanda.

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Proof of why I can never get anything done: this is what happens when I turn my back for just a minute.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


 Idlewild was, I think, the best day of Paul's life!  He had a blast!  Joy liked it too, although it was a little much, especially with the heat.  We had tons of fun!