We had a busy day yesterday. We had a birthday party for the Borngorni twins at 12:30 so I wanted to wear Paul out in the morning so he'd nap beforehand. We went for a long walk in the crazy wind all the way up to the electrical tower. Paul was pretty tough to keep walking through all that wind. He was wind burnt the rest of the day. When we got back we found a slew of yellow flowers blooming below the lilac tree. It's hard to see them in the pictures but you can see a couple glimpses of yellow.
I left home at 11 for the party that started at 12:30 so hopefully he would get a good nap and I was successful. I stopped at the Amish place in Burgettstown to see about some swingsets. Paul had tons of fun at the party playing with all the toys and kids. I appreciated Clay entertaining Paul a bit while I talked with the ladies. It was good to see Stan from Alpha Xi and a bunch of random Burgettstown people. I also got to meet Fina's niece for the first time. Paul enjoyed his cupcake; he had it all over his face.
We stopped to see grandma and grandpa afterward and Paul had lots of fun playing. He loves to visit the kitties on the porch.
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