We had a nice but busy weekend visiting with family. Paul has been out of whack with his naps again, I think due to teething. I hope he has all his teeth soon!
On Saturday, we were glad to cool off in Uncle Greg's pool since the temperature was in the 90's. Paul jumped in and went under for the first time.
Then, we went to watch the Steeler game with grandma and grandpa while Shawn went to the CD release party. Nini got to hang out for a little while too before she had to go to sleep for work. We went to church with grandma in the morning. The old ladies enjoyed Paul saying "Thank You, God" during the prayer.
Then we went to GG's 80th birthday party. Paul was a bit delirious due to no nap, but he had fun playing with grandma and his cousins. You can see him playing and dancing with Grandma. He was also quite fascinated watching Nick play video games for a while. It was great to see Uncle Bill and Aunt Luella, who had been in poor health. It was the first time they got to see Paul. Shawn and his dad played guitar and sang for a little while.
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