We had fun at the Speer Family Reunion. Kaitlyn did a great job playing with Paul, and Tugs and Paul had lots of fun riding around in Tugs's new truck. Paul liked his new tools from Pappy, and is still playing with them every day.
Paul has been teething and extremely crabby and whiny the last few days. Yesterday, he whined and cried very badly while we grocery shopped and during session. He has also been hitting with an uncharacteristic frequency. So, I tried to address both issues this morning. I gave him some Tylenol, and made him a makeshift pinata. It seemed to have helped. He was in a decent mood, and he really loved whacking the ball I hung from the tree.
What a busy day...first we had our last session at gym class for the summer. Then Paul hung out with Grandma while I went to the doctor's. I liked my new doctor, so that was nice. Then, in the evening we went to see Uncle Keven's new house and to visit with him, Kaitlyn and Tugs. They enjoyed showing off the house and playing with Paul. Kaitlyn took us on a walk to the park up the road. They have lots of new friends in their new neighborhood.
We had a nice but busy weekend visiting with family. Paul has been out of whack with his naps again, I think due to teething. I hope he has all his teeth soon!
On Saturday, we were glad to cool off in Uncle Greg's pool since the temperature was in the 90's. Paul jumped in and went under for the first time.
Then, we went to watch the Steeler game with grandma and grandpa while Shawn went to the CD release party. Nini got to hang out for a little while too before she had to go to sleep for work. We went to church with grandma in the morning. The old ladies enjoyed Paul saying "Thank You, God" during the prayer.
Then we went to GG's 80th birthday party. Paul was a bit delirious due to no nap, but he had fun playing with grandma and his cousins. You can see him playing and dancing with Grandma. He was also quite fascinated watching Nick play video games for a while. It was great to see Uncle Bill and Aunt Luella, who had been in poor health. It was the first time they got to see Paul. Shawn and his dad played guitar and sang for a little while.
We were so glad to get to the fair. Paul was happy to pet Stephanie's cows and to watch her show her cow. Paul and Olivia had a nice time looking at the animals and riding some rides. Paul was very brave to ride "Thomas" by himself, but then he was very scared on the horse on the Merry Go Round. Paul also got to see Chad and Allee with their goats.
Dina and I enjoyed chatting later in the afternoon as I made some stuffed zucchini for dinner.
We had a wonderful time on vacation at Dave's new house. Paul was so excited to ride on Dave's tractor, and he had a wonderful time riding all around and down to the creek.
Dave did lots of out of character things, like cook us dinner, ride around with a carseat in the Prius and and spend lots of time playing with Paul. We appreciated it!
We went to the Hillbilly Hideaway for dinner. It was a crazy, great place. We had tons to eat, enjoyed some great bluegrass music, and got to look around the shops at a lot of cool junk. Paul really liked dancing to the bluegrass music.
We really enjoyed and appreciated the southern hospitality of Dave's parents allowing us to arrive at 2 in the morning, and Dave's mom entertaining Paul and making us breakfast and lunch. It was great to finally get down to Kernsersville again.
Paul really liked throwing rocks in Dave's fountain. He also kept wanting to pull out all of Dave's solar landscaping lights.
It was wonderful to stop and see Kate, Matt, Brian and new baby Liam, who was less than a week old. The whole family is doing great and Liam is a very good baby. Paul and Brian had fun playing. Paul liked to hide in Brian's tent and jump out and say "Peek-a-boo!"
We were so glad to get to have birthday dinner with Grandpa today. I enjoyed some quality time with my dad while Shawn was working and Paul was sleeping. Then it was great that Paul woke up in time to sing Happy Birthday, play ball, play guitar and run around like crazy with grandpa.
We had quite a busy Saturday. We went shopping early in the day at Babies R Us to get a gate for the top of the steps and a sleeping pillow for Paul for our trip to NC. Then we wen to Becky's baby shower. It was wonderful to see her and everyone there to share in her excitement. Then we went to Nuttall's picnic and had lots of fun. Paul had his heart set on doing some things he was not allowed to do, like playing with the wheelbarrow next door and running about during the corn hole tournament. Still it was nice to see everyone.
Paul is having fun learning to play "baseball" by hitting the ball on a water jug with the bat.
Paul has been enjoying helping me cook standing on the step stool. Today, when he was really tired at 4:00 and no nap, he fell off right back on his head. He seems to be fine, but he sure did scare me.