Thursday Dina came over to help me get ready for the party. We met at Guytons and bought most of my paper products. It was very inexpensive there. Now that it looks like we might have closer to 200 people, I'm going to have to go back and get more. Then Dina kept an eye on Paul while I worked on lists. Then we all went to the Farmer's Market. In the picture, Paul is kissing Olivia's hand.
Friday was Grandma's 80th birthday. We had a very nice dinner and visit with her. Paul enjoyed singing Happy Birthday and blowing out the candle.
Saturday was a crazy day. We went out early to Smedley's and had a great time with Katie, Charlotte, Larry and Katie's kids. Paul enjoyed running after them and playing on Larry's tractor. We then went to Jacinta's for a big picnic. I was already worn out from our earlier visit, but Paul kept going and going and going. He got to fish in the pond, see lots of animals, and the most fun of all, ride in the big golf cart (many times!) It was great to see everyone.
Today we went swimming at Uncle Greg's. At first Paul was scared and kept saying "All done." But, after some convincing, he enjoyed climbing up and down the ladder, swimming around with my help, and playing Ring Around the Rosies. I need to get him some flotation devices.
Now, the party prep continues!
Great Photos and commentary, thanks for keeping up the good work.