Wednesday Paul came to session meeting with me. He and Camille went to hang out with her grandma. I got a call that he was crying uncontrollably. He was hyperventilating-crying--it was really bad. I did some research and found that I should spend 30 minutes with him and any new person who is going to watch him. In good news, Thursday he stayed with great-grandma while I went shopping. They had a great time.
The rice cereal is not going much better. He only takes a tiny bit, maybe to baby spoonfuls total. Most of it is pushed right back out. But we keep trying.
We've been taking lots of nice walks at the park since it has been warmer.
It took through Monday for Paul to get over his shots. It was either the shots or the fish fry and some other wheat I ate, but he was miserable. I thought it was teething, but he hasn't been that miserable since, thank goodness.
Hold that tongue down with the spoon so he can's push. He'll get the hang of swallowing with each bite! He looks so SWEET!