Shawn had heard this place had good pies and wanted to stop and get one for Father's Day.

And the chocolate peanut butter and caramel apple pies were awesome!!

She wasn't quite ready to drive it herself, but was brave boating, jumping and rafting.

Morning stretches outside with Cana

We were impressed with Paul's rowing skills.

Tree pose in a boat

Joy was an absolute disaster every night because she was so worn out. So, Shawn put on her favorite Zobmie's music and danced with her to help her feel better.

I got brave enough to float several times.
We did a good deal of awesome jiujitsu and kickboxing while it rained.

Mmm steak dinner.

Followed up by s'mores Sundaes!

The kids were making me crazy so I made them walk the 2 miles to and fro the crossroads. Selfies at the crossroads.

We listened to our book (Upside Down Magic) a lot and drew pictures of the upside down animals we'd like to turn into.


We hiked and found this red ant mound and a river of red ants trailing off from it. It was creepy.

Joy on a walk with Daddy.


It rained too much for our last night's s'mores, so we roasted them over the electric stove. The only thing an electric stove is good for!
We had a really awesome time.