Master Ward was sick and couldn't come to the tournament. Master Billig was not there either. I knew Shawn and I would be the only adults there for the kids. I wasn't able to be there for all of the kids every moment, but I was able to be there for all of them for at least some moments. I was all over the place, yelling and yelling.
Our group of competitors...Mr. Anderson was the only other adult competing, and he hadn't arrived yet. I guess I fit right in with the kids.
All the women under black belt competed together, with different groupings for each event. We were all pretty old. No one under 30 for sure.
Four of us broke. I found out maybe last Tuesday night that what I was planning to be a 2 station break was a 3 station break. I was glad; it ended up going well. I did outside inside-hammerfist, step side kick, 360 jump back kick. It took me 2 tries on the hammer fist, but it still went well. I was glad to get second place.
There were supposed to be 4 of us sparring, but one poor orange belt woman had to leave because her husband was competing and got whacked in the nose and was bleeding everywhere. So there were three of us. Another orange belt fought a green belt first. The green belt was about my size and she beat the orange belt who was much taller. Then I fought the winner; her name was Angela. She kept saying she hated sparring, but I kept telling her it was fun. I beat her 3-1, but on the video I thought I got about 8 points. I was pretty pleased with my performance. And I was extremely, extremely excited to finally get a first place in sparring. It made me very happy to be pleased with my performance and to go out with a first in sparring before my surgery.