Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Cookoff at the Wellness Center

I entered 5 recipes for the recipe contest/cookoff at the Wellness Center. I worked very hard to get them written up nicely and to get all 5 of them photographed.  There were all sorts of criteria the recipes were supposed to meet to make it too the cookoff.  I made it for 2 recipes, my buffalo bean dip and my butternut squash corn chowder.  The bean dip won.  I was very excited.  It was fun.  Jackie was in charge and did a very nice job.
What a crazy week of competition for me!


There was no one there to take pictures of me so this is the only picture I have of me from the whole day, Stephanie Salvini took it.
Both kids were terribly sick for 5 days each with the stomach flu.  Shawn very kindly stayed home with a sick Joy and a recovering Paul while I went to the tournament.  I really enjoyed watching the other kids and adults from our school compete.
I decided not to spar.  Once I was there I really did want to spar.  I was glad to see the scary girl from the other tournament was not there.  Then, right before it was time for the adults to get under way, she showed up.  I decided to just be super friendly and so I was.
Marion and I ended up in different groups because they separated by 39 and under.  I still got to cheer her on for her sparring, though, because my group done.
I messed up my form at the end.  Somehow I ended up going the wrong direction.  I couldn't believe it because I've done the form so much I could do it in my sleep!  Also, I turned my head the wrong way for the kick (Pyung Ahn E Dan), which I can't believe I did.  However, I was the only one doing the senior form, and Master Ward said I did a really good job not letting the mistake bother me and finishing my form well.  So, I won first place.  There were only 3 girls in my group.  A white belt, scary girl (Amber) and me.
My break was super awesome!  I did 360 sudo - 360  back kick.  It went exactly as it was supposed to go.  I was so upset that i didn't have any pictures or video!!!  However, Amber broke 2 boards at each station so she took first place.  She deserved it, especially since one of them was a front kick.
Amber was super tough in the sparring again and I felt bad for the white belt girl.  When they were done, the judges gave her a talking too about toning it down.  She muttered under her breath that it's not sparring if you don't hit hard.  Then she told me that she got in trouble because she took 3rd in sparring at the last tournament.  I think her school must be crazy and mean.

New Baby in the Barn

Janie Girl's baby, a little bull

Pig Meat

We've got all three freezers jam packed full of meat (and still some garden veggies).  We all enjoyed our first taste of BACON!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

St. Patrick Day Party with the Woods

We had so much fun at our party.  We had high tea with scones, which took me three tries to make!  The recipe I tried was obviously flawed, so I switched up to biscuits.  The Guiness beef stew was awesome, the colcannon was surprisingly good, and Marion brought Irish bread and tea as well as chocolate chip cookies.  I made plain steak and cut fruit and veggies for the kids.  

The weather was nice enough to play outside after Paul and Cian built the Lego helicopter we got him for his birthday.  

In the Sink

The crazy things the girls do while the boys are at karate.

Playtime with Esther

Emily was sick the other day so I watched Esther for the afternoon.  The girls had fun playing dress up.

Muddy Kid!

Our lives have been a muddy mess lately.  Both kids lost shoes in the mud on the way to the car last week.  We are ready to get a sidewalk!!

Antique Curling Irons

We discovered these while cleaning Grandma's. They are antique curling irons that you hold over the fire to heat. I don't think I want to try them out.

Lunch with the Grandmas

We had lunch with the Grandma's last week at Eat n Park before I helped Grandma clean out Grandma Ely's condo.

My Chefs!

Making zucchini cookies

Transformer Puzzle

The kids were excited putting together the transformer puzzle they got in the goody bag from Zain's party.

Hockey with Daddy

Yay for Yellow Flowers!

In the Sink

The crazy things the girls do while the boys are at karate.  It's' been quite a while since I bathed her in the sink!


We got the big bag of marbles back from Grandma Ely's and Joy had a great time playing with them in the hula hoop.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Zain's Planet Bounce Party

On Sunday, the kids had fun at Zain's (from karate) 4th birthday party at Planet Bounce.

Jacob's Bowling Party

Paul and Joy were both invited to a bowling party for a little boy Jacob in Paul's class.  This little boy is in love with Joy.  His mother is always telling us how much he talks about her.  At the party, he would get her ball for her when it was her turn and then give her a high five when she knocked pins down.  It was cute.  I'm sure such things will not be nearly as cute when she is 13.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Paul's Cake

Inspired by watching the Kid's Baking Championship on Food Network, Paul designed and baked his own 5 layer cake from scratch.  He drew up a design and followed it carefully.  He worked really hard.

Goodbye Sam's Club

I decided the cost of membership at Sam's Club was not worth it.  So, I had one last big shopping trip before my membership expired.  I though buying 100 lbs of bread flour was a good idea until it came time to figure out what to do with all that flour.  Shawn figured it out, though.

Buffalo Bean Dip

Another recipe contest photo.

Play Date with Olivia and J.J.

It was very nice to get to visit Dina and family last week.  It was exciting to see their new addition and all the work they have been doing on their house.

Zucchini Baking Day

I thought a day of baking zucchini treats would make it feel a little like summer.  Paul had the idea of making cookies stuffed with peanut butter cups.  We made zucchini brownies, zucchini oatmeal cookies, giant chocolate filled zucchini cookie sandwiches, and zucchini cookies stuffed with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

Rib Steaks

Joy wanted to take a picture of Paul...

 We made our first pack of rib steaks.  They were awesome!!