Friday, January 30, 2015

Parachuting off the Couch

We made a parachute out of the kids' puppy backpack and a dish towel.  They had lots of fun parachuting off the couch.

Vegetarian Enchiladas

We tried these Rachael Ray enchiladas last night and boy oh boy were they yummy!

The Valentine's Bunny

I bought the kids Valentines at Walmart the other day.  Paul decided he was going to be the Valentine's bunny and deliver Valentines to us under our pillows.  They were both very excited and wound up about it.

Old Granny Joy

I told Joy she looked like an old granny wrapped up in her blanket watching Paul and I have an epic lightsaber battle.

Matching Bogs Boots

I gave up on cheap boots for Joy.  She had to join the rest of the family with the Bogs.  She wanted the same pair as mine.  So now we are boots twins!

Paul and Mommy Date Afternoon

Paul wanted to have a date so Joy went to Judy's for the afternoon.  Paul wanted to play Monopoly.  I was impressed how he was able to understand the money/number concepts quite well.  He beat me $7,000 to $400!  The last time we played, which was probably a couple years ago, he had no concept of money value.  It was cool to see his progress.

Lincoln Logs

Paul showing off the Lincoln Log cabin he built all by himself.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Paul's Lego Tower

What to do on a cold day when Joy and I aren't feeling very well?  Help Paul make a GIANT Lego tower.  He wants to submit it to his Lego magazine.  I've got to figure out how to print pictures on our new printer first, though.  Right now we are building it for the 3rd time.

Arianna's 2nd Birthday Party

We had Arianna's 2nd birthday party here on Saturday.  The kids had a great time.  We ate pasta with carrot and meat sauce, semolina rolls and fruit. 

 Joy wore her ladybug costume, the same thing she wore to her 2nd birthday party!

 Musical Elmo from Uncle Greg was a great hit with all the kids.
 Sammie getting some love from Grandpa.
 Mmm, decorating cupcakes:)

 Must be good!

 More cake!

 Joy in the Elmo box
 Sharing the blue swing
 Playing in the shed

Girafee in Blankee

Two things Joy sleeps with every night.  She loves to roll Girafee up in "swaddling clothes."

Orange Belt with A Stripe Test

 Sudo for Paul.
 Regular punch for Paul

 Palm punch for me