What a coincidence we Pax Gaiten's and Tony Bongiorni's birthday parties at the same time the same day in Bulger. We went swimming at Gibb's parent's first.
Pax, the birthday boy.
Then we left Shawn at Gibbs and headed over to the Bongiorni's. Paul loved the big trampoline. We may have to get one.

Joy was afraid to go in the big trampoline but enjoyed the bouncy house.

A tight rope, how cool!

I'm so glad we made it in time for the snow cone truck, what could be better for two kids who love snow cones!!
Then, we made it back to Pax's party in time for cake. What an awesome dinosaur cake! I was taking pictures for Ginnie, so I have tons of pictures.
It looks like Avett knows some karate moves!
Digging in to the cake.
Avett and his grandpa.
Dino bone jello
With Gibb's mom and her mom. I got to talk to Gibb's grandmother quite a bit; she is a lovely woman.
There were giant chocolate rocks on the cake.
Avett on the diving board
I really love this picture of Shawn and Joy
Joy had a blast riding their roller coaster down the hill. Shawn got his exercise catching her at the bottom each time. She rode it over and over and over again.
Presents! We got him food Legos.
The kids had fun hitting the dinosaur piniata. What a fun, action packed weekend!