Paul and Joy and I had fun at the baseball game with Kate and Brian. I was appreciative to all the kind people who helped me manage with 2 kids. So glad we got seats in the shade!
It sure was nice to see everyone. Especially to see Bryce acting exactly like Paul, it made me feel better about things (argumentative, fits, difficulty sharing). Lauren had fun decorating Joy's hair with different bows.
Paul is always devising potential ways of getting hurt. He was playing in his room while I was folding laundry. I came in to find him jumping from his sliding board ladder onto his bed.
I was trying to prop Joy up in her high chair so she could be up high to watch Paul and I cook dinner. She is just not big enough yet, she kept sliding and slumping down.
Joy has a lot of trouble keeping her binky in her mouth. We looked for a product to help. The Wubbanub! It's just a little stuffed animal attached to a binky. She likes to chew on the stuffed animal more than her binky. She just starting to grab and manipulate things.
Aimee and Kaitlyn got to spend lots of time holding Joy. Paul, as usual, had a ball playing with Tugs and Kaitlyn. They even got to swim...Paul came home practicing Kaitlyn and Tug's swimming moves in his own little pool.
It was great to get to visit with Mandi and watch Paul and Angelo play; they had a blast! It was wonderful of Grandpap to come and take pictures and meet Joy. I cant wait to meet Baby Enzo in October.
The little baby boy is Jerry Williams, Dina's new son born 7/15/11. The baby girl is Zoey, Kim's daughter, born in April. I bought Zoey and Joy both Wubbanubs, little stuffed animals that hold binkies.
Last Thursday we visited Michelle and she watched Joy while Paul and I had our Farmer's Market snow cone date. She had just gotten a new fancy camera and was excited to try it out. I love the pictures, especially Joy sticking her tongue out! We brought her a peanut butter cookie and enjoyed one ourselves.