We were late getting to bed last night for a variety of reasons, including that Paul had hid my keys in a box and I spent forever looking for them. He was quite delirious and crazy in our bed. Before Shawn or I knew what happened, he had tried to sit down on the toddler rail and fallen right over backwards. Just like Humpty Dumpty. After we got him to settle down, it seemed like his shoulder was hurting him. He could still move everything and after a dose of Tylenol was asleep. He slept very fitfully through the night and kept holding his shoulder. He required several doses of pain meds through the night. Shawn thought he might have broken his collarbone.
We took him to Med Express this morning and he did in fact have a small fracture in his collar bone. We have to get an appointment with the Orthopedic Specialist to see what else we might need to do. We have just been giving him pain medication. He has been doing pretty well overall, but cries any time you try to lift him, especially into his high chair or car seat.
He has a story about Henry (a Thomas train) taking a little girl to the hospital to get X-rays and we read it over and over before we went today. I think it helped; he did extremely well through the wait, exam and X-rays. We rewarded him with a trip to the toy store. He got 2 new trains and Shawn bought him a Thomas movie about a kite and a new kite. They had fun flying it and then walking to the creek and throwing rocks.
I hope he continues to feel better and doesn't need any major type of treatment.