On Sunday, 9/27, at 11 months old, Paul took his first steps. Shawn saw him first in the kitchen, then I saw him later in the day. He didn't realize that he was doing it. He is still to scared to take steps when we encourage him.
He has also had his first attempts at interactive play. He was playing with a straw, and I bit it. Then he would take it back and then give it back to me and want me to bite it again. He thought it was great fun.
He also suprises me with what he imitates. He was using my produce brush appropriately as a hair brush the other day. Now he loves to brush his hair with a comb or a pick or anything.
Paul stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's over the weekend while we went to a wedding. He went to play practice on Saturday with grandma and Aunt Cindy, then out to eat and to Shelly's with Grandma and Grandpa in the evening, then to both church services on Sunday while Grandma and Aunt Cindy were in their play. He even went to nursery at church for a little while. He was exhausted after all that fun.